
Herceg Novi 2024
My name is Maxim, I am a product designer and co-founder of marquiz
  • 1. 1Since its foundation, I am responsible for all design aspects at Marquiz.
  • 1.2 During the ’22 crisis, I managed to increase the product revenue by 50%, from 10,788,892 (September 2022) to 16,195,099 ₽ (September 2023).
  • 1.3 Hired and organised the core product team with specialized roles: product-researcher, product analyst, product marketer.
  • 1.4 Designed and setup the product process within 4 teams and 15 roles. Over time, we released around 1540 product updates, features, and improvements.
  • 1.5  Implemented OKR’s, regular tactical, governance and strategic meetings in my teams.
  • 1.6 Initiated and implemented the MarquizUI design system.
  • 1.7 Introduced facilitation practices and regular design meetups within the design team.
  • 1.8 Implemented Holacracy and Spiral Dynamics principles to create self-managed teams at Marquiz.
  • 1.9 Launched the website for global market and set up a flexible development process on Webflow.
  • 1.10Launched Marquiz on Product Hunt.
  • 1.11Developed the brand identity and organized the work with visual language for the whole company.
  • 1.12Created the QuizCult blog on authentic marketing with over 55 000 monthly visitors. SEO traffic increased by 460% in a year.
  • 1.13Hired and organized processes for the content team including several roles: editors, content designers, and marketers.
  • 1.14Created the Marquiz template gallery, reaching 40,000 users in a year.
  • 1.15Created the Marquiz HR brand page. Many things became possible thanks to the contribution of these super people.

2.1 A selected digital collection of my grandfather's artworks

  • 3. 1Design management methodology based on Spiral Dynamics theory
  • 3. 1this methodology is the practical result of a great mission. I explore philosophy, management, and social technologies to create a new paradigm of design management. I share my observations on this journey in my telegram channel

4.1 Website for the most thriving community and DJ school in Moscow

  • 5. 1A collection of mental models, theories, system archetypes and distinctions that shape thinking for effective decision-making.
  • 5.2 The collection is gradually expanding, updates are posted in my telegram channel
apart from my main duties, I also run a telegram channel. The purpose is to lay the intellectual groundwork for paradigm shift in desing management. First in articulating and developing my own ideas and management methods, and then in assembling the people to put them into action.

42 countries visited, currently in Montenegro
© Cojocaru Maxim, may 2024